Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tip -- 9.4.2 - FAQ: What do I need in addtion to smfForceRecalculation to get my data to refresh?

---In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, <rharmelink@...> wrote :

Another possible reason data is not refreshing is that you have your Internet Options set up to cache web pages. Since EXCEL and the add-in use the same Internet access engine as IE, it also utilizes IE's cookies and "Temporary Internet Files" folder.

To check/change your page caching settings for the "Temporary Internet Files" folder:
  1. Click on your system's "Start" button.
  2. Click on the "Control Panel" option.
  3. Double-click on "Internet Options".
  4. In the "Browser settings" section, click on the "Settings" button.
  5. Under where it says "Check for newer versions of stored pages:", you want to toggle the "Every time I visit the web page" radio button. Without this, the add-in would just retrieve IE's stored copy of the web page instead of the Internet access engine getting a fresh copy of the web page from the Internet.
  6. Click "OK" to save the settings and exit
  7. Click "OK" to exit
  8. Close the "Control Panel" window.
Did you need to change your setting there?

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