Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Tip -- 2.1a - Using the smfUpdateDownloadTable macro

---In smf_addin@yahoogroups.com, <rharmelink@...> wrote :

I use the smfUpdateDownloadTable macro for such situations.  This would actually place values into the table, so no recalculation occurs.  When I want "fresh" values, I just rerun the macro.  Here is the documentation for the table setup from the macro's module:
  1. The upper left hand corner cell of the table needs to have a range name of "Ticker"
  2. The cells below the "Ticker" cell should be filled in with ticker symbols, one per cell
  3. The cells to the right of the "Ticker" cell should be filled with column titles
  4. The cells above the column titles need to be filled in with SMF add-in formulas or element numbers.  Use five tildas as a substitute for a ticker symbol.  For example, any of the following text strings could be used to get "Market Capitalization" from Yahoo:

    RCHGetElementNumber("~~~~~", 941)
    RCHGetTableCell("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=~~~~~",1,">Market Cap")
A recent addition to the process is that if the cell entry above a column title is an "x", that column is skipped from any update -- I use this for any calculation columns I want in the middle of my table.  In all of my workbooks, I assign the smfUpdateDownloadTable macro to a keyboard shortcut of Ctrl-Shift-J.

On 10/19/07, rjlabs <rick@...> wrote:
> I have a large table of =RCHGetElementNumber() that has historical
> quarterly info that I only need to update sporadically. It takes about
> 15 minutes to update (about 60 tickers x 150 fields).
> Is there a way I can control when those functions run and update? I
> want to be able to open the spreadsheet with perhaps stale data and
> not have it update. However I don't want to set calculation to manual
> because other parts of the workbook I want regularly calculating. (Any
> programmer guide or FAQ or embedded docs on this just point me to them.) 

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